The Environment

Ícone Meio Ambiente

The negative consequences of human action on the environment has a direct impact on society as a whole. Incorrect disposal of agrochemical packaging jeopardizes human health and contaminates soil, water sources and rivers.

Tide Brasil is committed to the promotion of actions to raise environmental awareness and increase environmental conservation. Additionally, we support Law 9,974/2000 and Decree 4,074/2002 for farmers and agricultural property owners, with explicit instructions that agrochemical packaging must be correctly disposed of after use.

As such, we are members of inpEV – National Institute for Processing Empty Packaging, a non-profit organization created by agricultural pesticide manufacturers with the aim of promoting the correct disposal of empty product packaging.

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0800 643 8053

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    Rua Antônio Carlos Berta, 475, conj. 802 – 91340-020
    51 3328 3636 / 51 3093 3632 / 51 3093 3634


    CAMPO LARGO – Fábrica
    Rodovia PR 423 – km 24,5 – 83603-000
    41 3370 3700